Young Hearts and Hands at Work
/The story below is from one of our No Stone Left Alone organizers, Tanya Margerm. Although COVID prevented an NSLA ceremony from being held in their community in 2020, Tanya’s kindergarten students found beautiful ways throughout the year to be of service to their community. We couldn’t be more inspired by their commitment to being kind, generous and respectful neighbours and citizens. These young Canadians make us proud and immensely hopeful.
The Silverthorne Shovel Brigade, taking a short break from clearing snow for seniors in their community in Houston, BC.
“I am the teacher of an outdoor Kindergarten in Houston, BC. Our community service for the elderly is an important part of our program. In the past we would visit the local home for seniors weekly for a variety of activities (puzzles, play dough and stories).
This year with COVID we have been developing other ways to engage with our seniors in our community. We called ourselves the Silverthorne Shovel Brigade. We found several seniors in our neighbourhood that needed assistance with shoveling snow during the winter. The seniors were so appreciative of the service and enjoyed watching the children from their window. The kids always made comments about how this was the “best day ever.”
Also this year due to COVID, we were unable to participate on Remembrance Day. But when I was reminded of National Volunteer Week in April 2021, I thought it might be a great time to participate by visiting the cemetery. We contacted the local District of Houston maintenance and asked if we could help with their Spring Clean up. The children helped with clearing weeds, polishing headstones, and clearing any windblown debris. At the conclusion of our clean up each child placed a flower on the graves of the veterans and any other headstones that they felt needed one.
The children were only 5 years old but spending the afternoon there brought up so many beautiful conversations about respect and remembrance.
Tanya Margerm”
Thank you, Tanya. You have given these students an experience they won’t forget, and lit the spark of remembrance in their young hearts. We are so proud to have you as part of the NSLA family.