Your legacy is one of the most impactful decisions in your lifetime — a chance to ensure your values are carried into the future.

By remembering No Stone Left Alone in your will or estate plans today, you are joining other amazing supporters who are helping to ignite the spirit of remembrance in the hearts and minds of young Canadians, now and for generations to come.

Together, we can ensure that the service and sacrifice of Canada’s veterans are never forgotten.

Unsure of where to start in the process?
Please contact us at:

The following is the basic information required to leave No Stone Left Alone in your will or estate plans:

Registered Charity Name: No Stone Left Alone Memorial Foundation
Charitable Registration Number: 82212-5506 RC0001

No Stone Left Alone Memorial Foundation
c/o Waterloo Ford Lincoln
11420 - 107 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T5H 0Y5

Phone: 780-917-8855