OUR MISSION: To honour the service and sacrifice of Canada’s military by educating and inspiring youth to place poppies on veterans’ headstones. Learn more…
Registration Now Open: Register your 2025 No Stone Left Alone ceremony today to help us honour Canadian Veterans at a cemetery near you!
What is the No Stone Left Alone program?
No Stone Left Alone (NSLA) provides resources and support to guide educators, students and community members for holding their own commemorative events at a cemetery in their community - expressing respect and gratitude for our fallen military veterans, while honouring living veterans, serving members and their families. Learn more…
It’s only through our community of supporters that this work is made possible.
Whether you are a dedicated volunteer or a caring financial donor, your continued support allows us to honour Canada’s veterans with personal acts of remembrance and gratitude.
Thank you for being the heart of our mission!
Founder Maureen Bianchini-Purvis shares her motivation for starting the No Stone Left Alone Memorial Foundation.
“I loved to be a part of something that was bigger than myself, something that I won't forget. I hope that memory stays with me.” - NSLA Student
The need remains great, as we continue our work to honour every Canadian veteran. Please give to help us ensure that all Canadian students have the opportunity to participate.
"It is always important to honour our veterans, some fallen never to return home, because they are the reason that we live our lives the way we do."
- Student Participant, Harbour Breton, NL
NSLA Today
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